Over the last few weeks I’ve been hinting at some cool stuff I’m doing with the launch of Cultivating Happiness.

Next Wednesday — less than a week from now — I’m announcing something big.

Ever since I’ve finished my book, I’ve been working on some really cool stuff to go along with it.

I’ve created several new things including:

  • A five-week long challenge to help to you ease into 2019 with your sense of humour in fact (I did it in November and it’s kinda fun)
  • A mini-book of flash fiction (and non-fiction) to make you smile
  • A resource that’ll help you if you decide to go on your own “mad-cap” happiness adventure.

So make sure you have subscribed to the mailing list before next Wednesday, to make sure you can open the email I send you. I’ll show you how you can get your hands on them.

Thanks again for being a part of my work and I can’t wait to share Cultivating Happiness with you soon!